Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding career in the tech industry?

Why Choose PlomX Tech for Your Next Career Shift?

The Perks and Benefits We Offer

Our comprehensive benefits package includes paid leave, medical coverage, work-from-home options, and performance-based increments, fostering a supportive and rewarding work environment.

Paid Leaves

Employees are entitled to paid time off for personal and vacation purposes.

Provident Fund

A savings scheme that helps employees save money for retirement or unforeseen financial needs

Training Fund

Dedicated fund to support employee training and skill development.

Growing and Dynamic Team

An environment that fosters professional growth, innovation, and adaptability.

Annual Increment

Yearly salary increase based on performance and tenure.

Medical Coverage

Comprehensive health insurance for employees and their families.

Gaming Facility

On-site recreational space for employees to unwind and enjoy leisure activities.

Work From Home

Flexibility to work remotely, promoting work-life balance and productivity.

Performance Based Increment

Salary increase based on individual performance and achievements.

Paid Internship

Opportunity for students or new professionals to gain work experience while receiving compensation.

Annual Trip

Company-sponsored trip or retreat for employees to bond and relax outside of the workplace.

Monthly Dinner

Regular social gathering or team dinner organized by the company for employees.